“Bad Guys: The Complete Collection”


Classical M could have made a great album if given the chance. As it is, the songs contained on this disc make for a stunning collection, with the band’s psychedelic flourishes, outrageous melodies, and fantastic attention to production detail evident throughout. This profoundly original music was made in three short years (1967-1970): twenty-four delirious and provocative songs that establish Classical M as perhaps the best, and certainly the most intriguing French band of all time. Their offbeat sense of rhythm and harmony, the complex intertwining of voices, and perhaps more than anything, their unusual practice of trying to play all sorts of instruments–be they electronic or traditional–these elements make the music of this odd French trio unique and very special. We are proud to make this music available to the world.

Lion Productions Lion 603
UPC 778578060329

     1 Love, Love Is There
 2 Gog Demagog
     3 Bad Guy
     4 Way I Do Love You
     5 Such A Lovely Voice
     6 Once in a While
     7 Music Of The Rain A.K.A. Melodie De La Pluie
     8 Decomplexion
     9 Ugly Room
     10 Ever Be My Friend?
     11 Paris Est Une Ville D'alcooliques
     12 J'ai Decide
     13 La Romancier Tcheque
     14 J'entends Les Etoiles
     15 Sisyphe
 16 C'est La Guerre
     17 Pauvre Cobaye A.K.A. Cow-Boy
     18 Une Riviere Qui S'egare
     19 Un Jour De Chance
     20 Love You One Another
     21 Marouanabab
     22 Love, Love Is There
     23 Le Metro
     24 Pop Club Session